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For 2013

Author Instructions


Final Instructions

The Conference Proceedings will be included in the IEEE Interactive Electronic Library (IEL) as part of IEEE Xplore. All authors who have been accepted must register for the conference and attend the conference to present their paper. Authors who do not attend the conference to present their papers, or arrange for a co-author or knowledgeable colleague to present their paper in the absence of the primary author, will not have their paper published in the IEEE IEL and IEEE Xplore, per latest IEEE policy.

1. Prepare the final version of the manuscript using the paper templates linked below.

Paper Templates

REMEMBER: the final version of a paper in the format given above CANNOT EXCEED 6 PAGES. NO EXCEPTION IS ALLOWED.

2. Register online.

Online Registration is now open -  You MUST register before uploading your final paper. Papers will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author has registered and paid the registration fee by September 15, 2013. One full IEEE member or non-member registration (student registrations do not apply for this) covers only one (1) paper. To guarantee inclusion in the proceedings of more than one (1) paper, the author must pay a USD $50 surcharge for each paper in excess. If you need to register by bank transfer, please contact Lauren Pasquarelli, FIIC 2013 Administrator.


3. An electronic version of the final manuscript must be generated for the conference proceedings.

From the final manuscript formatted as instructed above, authors must generate the electronic version in PDF format. Regardless of its initial format, the file containing the final version of the paper must be transformed in the PDF format using the IEEE PDF express web tool. PDF files generated by means of other tools are not acceptable.

To generate the IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your paper, follow these steps:

·         Create your IEEE PDF eXpress account by going to: http://www.pdf-express.org and using Conference ID: fiic2013x

·         The first time you access the system, please follow the link to New user. Please note that, in order to access the service, you need to allow the use of cookies from the PDF eXpress web site. Once you have registered as a new user:

o  Upload the source file (containing your paper) for conversion.

o Receive by e-mail the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of your paper. Once you’ve received your PDF file, upload it to EDAS.

o  Send the electronic version of the final manuscript, complete the presenter's biography form, and submit the copyright form through EDAS by September 15, 2013.

·         Once you receive your Xplore compatible PDF, log in at http://edas.info

·         Upload your paper.

o  Click the My Papers tab. Click the upload icon (third column from the right) and a dialog box will open that will enable you to select and upload your paper via the web or via FTP.

·         Fill in and sign the IEEE Copyright Transfer form.

o The IEEE is enforcing strict copyright rules. For your convenience, the copyright form is made available electronically through EDAS. To access the copyright form, click on the 'My Papers' tab and then click on the copyright icon under the copyright column (second column from the right). Authors who are not authorized to sign a copyright transfer form, should download the paper version of a copyright transfer form, fill it in, and ask an authorized person to sign it.Then, send the completed form to the FIIC 2013 Administrator by fax: +1 (352) 872 5545.


·         Prepare the presenter's biography form.

o Please declare who will be presenting the paper at the conference on EDAS. To do this, click the 'My Papers' tab, click on your paper title, and then click the Change/Add icon in the Presenter row. Indicate who will present the paper and click Choose presenter. Presenters must fill out a short bio (50 word max) on EDAS by going to the ‘My Profile’ tab and filling in the information in the ‘Brief bio’ field. Information in this form will be used by the session chairperson to introduce the presenter.


If authors like to post their papers electronically on any web site, any ftp site, or any other electronic dissemination technique, they must include the IEEE Copyright notice on the initial screen displaying the IEEE-copyrighted material.

Problems in preparing and submitting your final manuscript? Further Information?

Contact the FIIC 2013 Administrator:

Lauren Pasquarelli
Conference Catalysts, LLC



General Chairs
Kenneth W. Tobin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Kim Fowler, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society

Program Committee
Jamie Coble, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Max Cortner, Boston Scientific
Peter Fuhr, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mike Gard, The Charles Machine Works
H. M. “Hash” Hashermian, AMS Technology Center
Fionn Iversen, IRIS Drilling and Well Modeling
Hesh Kagan, Invensys Operations Mangement
Susan Maley, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Pradeep Ramuhalli, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
James Smith, Idaho National Laboratory
Bill Stange, U.S. Air Force
Peter Tortorelli, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mary Anne Yates, Argonne National Laboratory

FIIC 2013


Welcome to FIIC 2013


It is with much regret that we must inform you that the 2013 IEEE Future of Instrumentation International Workshop, scheduled for October 7-9 in Orlando, Florida, has been cancelled.

 As you are aware, the government shutdown is having an adverse effect on the federal complex.  The 2013 IEEE FIIC is heavily supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Laboratories.  As a result of the shutdown, we have received a significant number of cancellations, resulting in well below the critical mass of attendees and supporters required to hold a useful meeting. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes and we recommend that you cancel your travel plans immediately.

Authors, please note that we are investigating options for producing a special section or other outlet to publish the 21 selected extended abstracts that have been contributed to 2013 IEEE FIIC. We will be in touch with you soon to discuss this topic further.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this situation causes, and we thank you for your participation in the 2013 IEEE FIIC and hope to see you at a future event.


FIIC 2013 Preliminary Schedule Available  October 2, 2013

FIIC 2013 Brochure

Future of Instrumentation Report

The Future of Instrumentation International Conference (FIIC) 2013 will provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the area of advanced instrumentation and associated technology. FIIC 2013 will include keynote addresses and invited presentations by eminent scientists.

Past Workshops on the Future of Instrumentation have focused on trends associated with communications, circuit intricacies, and applications of advanced instrumentation.  Tracking both the roadmaps of instrumentation development and the analyses of the instrumentation market(s) generated during those meetings has shown a highly accurate prediction of where “future instruments” are heading – both as R&D efforts and commercialization of advanced technologies.  FIIC 2013 will continue to investigate the trend analysis of where future instruments are headed in terms of both technology and market, as well as focusing the program on
areas such as:

•    The role of intrinsically safe, very inexpensive instrumentation
•    Crowd sourcing and social networking processing of ubiquitous sensors
•    The multitude of issues associated with hyper-dense deployments of wireless instrumentation
•    Power – or the lack thereof – for advanced instrumentation
•    Cyber-Physical System Security – it’s not just an “IT issue”
•    Instrumentation in Extreme Environments - e.g. nuclear and fossil power generation, process industries, petrochemical, mining, and gas turbine engine environments.

Conference Goals
FIIC 2013 will focus on advanced instrumentation, measurement concepts and scientific underpinnings that enable new methods and applications of instrumentation. With instrumentation embedded into an expansive array of applications across virtually every aspect of the energy value chain, FIIC hopes to explore new developments relevant to small modular reactors, coal gasification plants, large and small transmission and distribution systems confronted with significant influx of renewable energy systems, and end use applications including demand responsive industrial processes and buildings.  The goal is to assemble a group of technologists, analysts and business leaders to investigate the impact of current trends in instrumentation technology across the full expanse of the energy value chain.

Why Participate?
This is your opportunity to intersect with leaders who are at the international forefront of instrumentation for industry, government and academia. You will establish collaborations with scientists and technologists in important areas of energy-related instrument research and learn about government and private sector funding opportunities.  FIIC 2013 will provide you with opportunities to broaden your horizon in relation to cross-cutting technologies that are developed in one field while providing applicability to others. Such technologies include new sensing technologies and methods, instrumentation systems capable of surviving harsh industrial environments, advanced materials that enable new miniature low-cost sensors, novel signal processing methods, trustworthy wireless sensor networks, and cyber physical security as it relates to instrumentation and controls systems.

Workshop Topics
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
•    Phenomena, Modeling, and Evaluation of Chemical and Gas Sensors
•    Biosensors Optical Sensors
•    Mechanical and Physical Sensors
•    Sensor/Actuator Systems

•    Sensor Networks

•    Other Sensor Topics:
    o Materials, processes, circuits, signals and interfaces, etc.
    o Sensing in cross-contaminant locations
    o Small signal extraction (in the presence of large signals)
•    Applications:
    o Environmental Sensing
    o Long range sensing
    o Low-cost sensing
    o Harsh environment sensing

Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (3-4 pages) via the FIIC conference website http://FIIC.ieee-ims.org. The abstract should report on original research results of a theoretical or applied nature and explain the significance of the contribution to the research field. The manuscripts must be prepared according to guidelines provided on the FIIC website.

All papers presented at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings and via IEEE Xplore. At least one author of any accepted paper must register at non-student rates, attend the conference, and present the paper.